本文由Yurii原创,转载请注明来源: Life Sailor

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The last two months have seen some astonishing bidding in auctions of Chinese treasures.

Record after record has fallen away as newly wealthy collectors from mainland China have piled into salerooms in London, New York and Hong Kong, anxious to bring home their imperial cultural patrimony.

The market for Chinese art works has strengthened considerably over the past five years, and the high prices have drawn out a number of masterpieces from old collections in Europe and America.

However, there is a danger of sellers becoming over-confident, even greedy.

A close examination of some of the lots that have achieved record prices since early October shows that success cannot be taken for granted.


The last two months have seen some astonishing bidding in auctions of Chinese treasures.


这里很好地处理了month see 的关系,英文中这类“无生物主语”是比较难翻译的。astonishing的意思不准确,只是“惊人”,而没有表达出“令人吃惊的高价”。另外bid翻译为“投标”不妥当,拍卖会上只有“出价”和“竞价”,没有“投标”。

Record after record has fallen away as newly wealthy collectors from mainland China have piled into salerooms in London, New York and Hong Kong, anxious to bring home their imperial cultural patrimony.


原文强调的是“新记录不断产生”,意思是承接上文的“令人吃惊的高价”,将“一个又一个”放在句末,切断了这种承接关系;piled into的意思没有翻译出来,imperial cultural patrimony翻译为“帝国的文化遗产”不够准确,中文里较少用“帝国的”指中国,用“帝制”、“王朝”更多。

The market for Chinese art works has strengthened considerably over the past five years, and the high prices have drawn out a number of masterpieces from old collections in Europe and America.


“加强”不准确的,而且搭配不当,没有“市场加强”的说法,strengthen可翻译为“巩固“、”繁荣“;“高昂”不能用来形容“价钱”,只能用来形容“成本”、“代价”;“吸引”来翻译drawn out不够准确,没有“引发现身”的意思;collections不是“收藏家”。

However, there is a danger of sellers becoming over-confident, even greedy.



A close examination of some of the lots that have achieved record prices since early October shows that success cannot be taken for granted.


close examination的close没有翻译出来,archived record prices没翻译出来,“成功”的意思太空泛,读者不知道“成功”在这里指什么;另外,如果译文不是在当年发表,应注明“10月”为“xx年10月”。


